Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Pre-Workout and Post-Workout Nutrition

Engaging in physical activities like power workouts, boxing and kickboxing trainings burn unnecessary fats in the body apart from strengthening its cardiovascular and muscular components. But for you to be able to perform well in such fitness activities, you have to fuel up. And what better way to do that than to eat, right?

Eating Before Your Power Workout

Carbohydrates are your body's preferred fuel source. You need to fuel your body so it can train at its best. We are not saying though that you should load yourself with plates of mashed potatoes and food rich in carbs prior to your fitness classes. The rule is: do not eat more carbs than you need. You want every gram of carbohydrates you consume to be used as an immediate fuel source, not be stored as fat.

During Your Power Workout

Make sure you hydrate yourself in between fitness activities, especially if you are engaged in boxing and kickboxing since they make you sweat a lot. Proper hydration is necessary to keep your pace while working out. Just make sure you don’t drink above the appropriate level so as not to bloat yourself. Water is more recommended over power drinks or sports drinks. Some sports drinks load your body with unnecessary sugar content that can ruin your diet.

Eating After Your Power Workout

Your body’s fuel level after an intense workout will certainly be low.  You may have even tapped into reserves to complete your workout. The body's first priority is correcting blood sugar balance and replenishing glycogen. The best way to keep up with the changes your body undergoes after working out is by eating protein-rich foods. But do not underestimate what fast-acting carbohydrates can do. Also called simple carbohydrates, they are easy to digest and can supply you with a lot of energy in the soonest time possible. Examples of fast-acting carbs include fruits, potatoes, pasta, white rice, cereals, and even smoothies! They certainly make a fun way of cooling off after in intense power workout at your fitness club.

Want to know more? Ask your personal trainers for more information about workout nutrition.

Title Boxing Club
8440 Cooper Creek Blvd. University Park, FL 34201
(941) 358-8252

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