Monday, August 18, 2014

Kratom and Its Medical Uses

A lot of people are giving attention to the Kratom leaves. Certain companies including scientific groups and pharmaceuticals are conducting studies on the composition, properties and effects of Kratom in humans. It has then been proven that kratom can be a great pain killing agent. It has also established that kratom can lessen the withdrawal symptoms of people with opiate and morphine dependence.

Embedded within every kratom leaf are naturally occurring compounds called alkaloids. These alkaloids are the active components that interface with receptors in human cells to create positive physical reactions. There are over 40potent alkaloids within kratom, each with its distinct effect on the body.  So as kratom enters the bloodstream, it helps lower blood pressure and controls blood sugar levels. Its substance called epicatechin, a substance found in dark chocolates, can promote health. Kratom is said to be good stimulants therefore others use it as sexual enhancers to improve sexual acivitity. It is also used to treat people have depressions. Kratom create a soothing effect, relaxing and calming the mind. The also use kratom to protect the skin from extreme effects of the sun by stimulating the production of melanin. The alkaloid present in kratom is said to have much stronger analgesic effects per weight than morphine. Overall, its alkaloids are very effective pain killers, roughly comparable in potency, but not necessarily in analgesic quality to codeine.

However with all the benefits of kratom, improper preparations and dosage can be harmful too. Its use as a sexual stimulant can also have a mild effect on the brain; all of these effects are made possible by the alkaloid contents of kratom such as mitragyne. When taken in high doses for a long time, the body may develop a tolerance against alkaloids found in mitragynam creating a need to increase in dose to achieve the desired effects. There are instances where individuals experience problems and restlessness; daily intake for a long time can also cause skin darkening, aggression and constipation.

Whether you choose to enjoy using kratom crushed leaves or for its physical, mental, or over spiritual health benefits is up to you. In all cases, this herb and its powerful alkaloids will positively enhance your total state of well-being. However, make sure to have an appointment with your physician before use.

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(813) 935-4914

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