Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Getting Rid of Neck and Back Pain with Chiropractic Treatment

Is your back pain hard to manage already? You’re not alone in this problem. In America, such a discomfort is very common; around 30 million suffer from it. Some people choose to drink pain relievers for temporary relief, while some choose to go with natural methods. The bottom line is, if you’re experiencing pain in your back, you’d want it treated immediately.

For someone who experiences back pain regularly, suffering from neck pain is highly likely too. It’s simply because the neck is connected to the spine. If you’re suffering from this double whammy, you might want to visit a chiropractic office already.

You must know that the human vertebrae have a complex structure. It is made up of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. Muscle strain, ruptured discs and inflamed joints are the most common causes of back and neck pain. Other possible causes are obesity, poor posture, arthritis, stress, injury and accidents.

When you experience back pain, this means that the spine is out of alignment. Chiropractors call this subluxation. And if the spine is misaligned, it can cause other problems in the body like neck pain, headaches and many more. So what chiropractors do is adjust the spine to put the vertebrae back in alignment once again.

Chiropractors follow a holistic approach in treating their patients. Simply adjusting the spine won’t instantly heal you of your physical ailments. The ultimate reason behind spinal adjustments is to fix the misalignment to allow the body’s natural healing mechanism to work again. This is why chiropractors aren’t just back doctors; they look out for the overall well-being and health of the patient too.

Spinal manipulation is perfectly natural. The chiropractor will use his or her hands to put back the spine in its proper position. This is why chiropractors are famous for the cracking sounds they make during treatment. Spinal adjustments help in relieving pain, without the need for any medication.

However, chiropractors won’t just manipulate your back right away. They will have to assess if your back and neck pain is actually treatable by chiropractic treatment. If they diagnosed your back with a more serious problem, they can refuse to treat you. On the other hand, if they accept you, they will also give you proper advice on how to go about your lifestyle.

While chiropractic treatment is helpful in getting rid of back pain and neck pain, it is also essential that you do your part in improving your health like achieving the right weight, exercising, improving posture, quitting smoking, wearing the right shoes, sleeping on the right bed and staying physically active.

West Coast Wellness
4361 Aidan Lane North Port, FL 34287
(941) 429-0070

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