Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Have you started planning for a home improvement? Are you full of advice on things like counters and cabinets and the best way to get a good deal from a contractor on kitchen designs? The kitchen home improvement process is grueling, and if done correctly, very rewarding in terms of pleasure-factor (that is to say, how it feels to spend time in a new space).  

There is no way to avoid feeling tired during some stage of the home improvement project, but you can make your life easier by avoiding these common mistakes:

1. Never overdo details of your kitchen designs.
Kitchen design accents such as pediments over stoves and plaster mouldings on cabinet fronts can represent decorative excess. Remember that your kitchen design should be compatible with the rest of your home. 

2. Never overlook your kitchen ventilation.
Kitchen design include atmosphere and comfort ,thus, as you cook, whether you opt for an industrial-like stove or go with a traditional 4 burner model, you should overcompensate when it comes to an exhaust system (especially if you do any sort of consistent or serious cooking).  Moreover, try and get your stove installed on an outside wall so that you don’t have a long run to the outside.

3. Never forget your storage and service.
Cabinets are just cabinets, right? Wrong! They’re another opportunity to inject your kitchen design and make your cooking process more efficient. Top quality slides and hinges means cabinet doors will stay closed and drawers won’t stick. Stay away from drawers that are stapled together or made of particleboard. For interiors, wood veneer is more durable than melamine, laminate or particleboard.

4. Never forget lighting.
We live in an older type home and have original, and some replica, lighting throughout our house. To make mood but still maintain a good working space lighting, make sure to choose pendants over the main work surface and sink, but some general task lighting over the entire kitchen would have provided more light.

Angel's Professional Cabinetry
8870 N Himes Ave Suite 251 Tampa, FL 33614
(813) 394-5985

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