Monday, June 8, 2015


The fast paced environment can cause stress and anxiety to every person. Because of these mental health conditions, the emotional well-being of a person is decreased. Aside from its mental manifestation, there will emerge some physical effects like sleep disorders, digestive problems, and energy decrease. Psychologists and health professionals are asked to assist in situations when emotional well-being is drastically affected. Hypnotherapy is usually used to change the behaviour, feelings, or attitude through the subconscious of the person. Hypnotherapy enables the person to dig deep and explore the darkest feelings from his conscious mind. Under hypnosis, the person may have different perception on things and will be able to change certain attitude through the response of suggestion. Hypnotherapy can be used in many things that will improve the emotional well-being of a person.

Smoking. A person may be able to quit smoking through hypnotherapy. The patient will be asked to imagine rotten things to compare it with rotting lungs, the smoke of a truck may be made an analogue to the cigarette smoke, and other imagery that may change the perception of the patient.

Losing Weight. Since losing/gaining weight, or eating, can be psychology driven, hypnosis may also help set the mind of the patient.

Habit Disorders. Habits are behaviours done repeatedly and unconsciously. By digging into the mind of the patient, through hypnotherapy, unconscious behaviours can be manipulated or stopped.

Skin Problems. With the help of hypnosis, along with topical medications, skin conditions like eczema can be made better.

Anxiety.  Although there are no strong studies to support this claim, hypnosis or hypnotherapy are used as treatment to anxiety. It is medically used in lowering the pain level while labouring at childbirth.

Generally, there are many things that can be treated or aided by hypnotherapy. Stress-driven conditions that are affecting the personal or emotional well-being of a person can be mitigated by hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is not advisable for people with personality disorder or suffering from psychosis. If the therapist doing hypnotherapy is not well-trained, mental health problems may get worse. Children may undergo hypnotherapy but should have strict supervision and with well-trained therapist; because children have vulnerable emotional well-being.

Hypnotherapy Brandon
166E Bloomingdale Ave., Brandon, Florida 33511
(813) 833-3840

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