Friday, February 27, 2015

Do You Know the Five Most Common Traffic Infractions?

Driving is fun, getting a ticket is not. Freely driving anywhere and anytime is great, but paying fees and appearing in court for a traffic violation is not so great. Surely, you know that getting a traffic ticket is a hassle and there’s no good that will come out of it. So, you must be vigilant when driving and make sure you’re not breaking any traffic rule.

When you get a ticket for traffic infractions, there are two common consequences of that. The first is that you need to pay a fee for the ticket. The second is that you just tainted your once clean driving record. If you’re a repeat offender, you can get your license suspended and even spend some time in jail.

The best way to avoid going through all these is to follow every traffic rule. Nonetheless, it is also wise to know the most common traffic infractions that occur every day. Here they are:

·         Reckless driving. It encompasses a lot of traffic rules like making a wrong turn, swerving or anything that includes endangering other drivers. Always watch out for road signs and road rules, that’s the best way to avoid being charged with reckless driving.
·         Tailgating. No driver is allowed to tailgate a car in front of them. Tailgating is when you follow the car too closely, which can easily cost a rear-end accident. When the car in front of you stops suddenly, there’s a high chance you’ll bump into that car if you follow too close.
·         Speeding. A lot of drivers are given a ticket for speeding. The concept is very simple. When a driver drives at a speed beyond the allowable speed limit, that is a traffic violation. There are usually speed limit signs on the road; you just have to watch out for them. Speeding is one of the very common traffic infractions out there, so take heed.
·         Improper lane changes. Changing lanes is fine as long as you do it the right way. Use your turn signals and make sure that there’s enough space before you change lanes. If you don’t do that, there’s a high risk you’ll cause an accident.
·         Beating the red light. Drivers are sometimes very impatient that they can’t even wait a minute or two for the light to turn green again. So what do they do? They beat the red light. This traffic infraction causes a lot of accidents too. If you see the yellow light, it means that you should be prepared to stop already.

It is possible to keep a clean driving record and not receive any traffic ticket at all. As long as you follow the traffic rules and be a patient and careful driver. Nonetheless, if you do get into trouble with traffic infractions, you may need to call a traffic attorney to help defend your case.

Rick Silverman, P.A.
311 S Brevard Ave. Tampa, Florida 33606
(813) 871-1125

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