Wednesday, July 29, 2015


When it comes to property for sale, it would be great to set a price based on what you think your own home is worth, but the bank will likely want something more objective before it's ready to match that price with a mortgage for a homebuyer. And that's where the appraiser comes in.

An appraiser acts as a kind of middleman who assesses homes by their condition and by how they compare to other similar homes in the area. Though real estate appraisers work off of checklists that measure real values in a property for sale, they also have experience and training in raising or lowering the home price based on what buyers want and on how sellers have cared for or neglected their properties.

Real estate appraisers are professional skeptics. They will seek to verify anything that you tell them from other sources. They often ask questions that they already know the answer to just to test the credibility of the people showing them the property. Real estate appraisers are always thinking about how they will defend their opinions if they are ever brought to court, even in assignments in which litigation appears unlikely. If you misrepresent anything, the real estate appraiser will discount the credibility of anything else that you say.

A real estate appraiser also does feasibility studies to assist home owners before starting home remodeling and renovation work or when they have a property for sale. The real estate appraiser conducting the study analyzes the condition of the property for sale and the cost of the renovations. The appraiser will then prepare an estimate of what the property's value will be after the improvements are made. This information will enable the homeowner to not spend too much or too little money with the renovations.

When having a property for sale it is best to choose value over cost and price. Value is not necessarily equal to cost or price. Cost refers to actual expenditures; for example, materials and labor. Price, on the other hand, is the amount that someone pays for something. While cost and price can affect value, they do not determine value.

Tam Bay Realty LLC
1408 N West Shore Blvd Suite 1000 Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 908-0706

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