Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What’s the Best Tampa Hair Salon Treatment for Dry Hair?

You love changing your look. Six months ago, you sported a different hair color. Now, you want it changed. Eight months ago, you got your hair rebonded and now, you want a wavy look. How many chemical treatments can your hair take?

The fact of the matter is, the human hair can only take so much. While it can withstand different chemical treatments, you will still notice the change in its form, luster and shine. Chemical treatments easily make the hair dry, which is why dry hair is a common problem among women. Aside from the chemical treatments, the hair products you use can contribute to your hair dryness as well.

What can you do to bring back the luster and shine in your hair? Your best bet is going to a Tampa hair salon and getting the right treatment for your hair. While there are many over-the-counter hair treatments that you can do yourself, these products won’t do the trick. Getting your hair treated by hair professionals is the surest thing to getting your hair healthy once again.

One of the most popular Tampa hair salon treatments for dry hair is a keratin treatment. The problem with dry hair is that the chemicals have already destroyed the keratin in the hair. Keratin is the protein that keeps the hair elastic and moisturized. With a keratin treatment, it can help the hair recover its strength as well as recover the moisture it has lost.

Keratin treatments are no-fuss treatments. The keratin product is applied on the hair and it is sealed with a protective mask. After the treatment time elapsed, the hair will be blow dried or flat ironed.
The other popular Tampa hair salon treatment for dry hair is the deep conditioning treatment. The hair expert will apply a conditioning hair masque on the hair. It will be left on the hair to allow the hair cuticle to absorb it. The deep conditioning treatment helps the hair restore its strength and prevent future damage.

 A common problem that goes together with dry hair is split ends. The Tampa hair salon can treat this by simply trimming your hair. The trim will instantly make your hair feel lighter and healthier.

Before leaving the hair salon, ask the hair expert if you can use any hair product that can help prevent your hair from getting dry. Usually, the hair salon will recommend that you use a hair serum or leave-in conditioner, which you can also buy from them.

Monaco Boutique and Salon
143 South Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 870-1709

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