Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Getting to Know Your Waterfront Property

For most people, buying waterfront property is the ultimate real estate experience. But more than any other type of purchase, buying a waterfront property is as much as about a lifestyle as it is a real estate investment. So no matter what type of waterfront property you choose, make sure it fits your lifestyle and taste.

To make an informed decision about a waterfront property, you may want to check out these factors:

1.       Water depth. It’s one thing to have waterfront, but it’s another to actually to be able to bring a boat in and out of your dock area. Notwithstanding, there are quite a few properties that will only allow for very small boats and skiffs because of the shallow nature of the water.

2.       Dock/pier. Does the location have an existing dock? This is very, very important. Getting a dock permit for your property is no guarantee, especially with all the regulations. Also, it is better to know whether the docks are above flood heights and how often should they be replaced.

3.       Boaters. If you are a boater, knowing where channels are and being aware of sand bars that may present water depth challenges is critical. If possible, go for a boat ride before you commit.

4.       Ramps. Having a waterfront property and owning a boat go hand-in-hand; however, don’t forget about how you plan on getting that boat into the water. Although many docks have boat lifts, it’s also very important to have a boat ramp nearby so as to easily facilitate putting your boat into the water.

5.       Flooding. Waterfront properties are vulnerable to climate change and environmental disasters. Make sure that the land property is elevated enough so you won’t have to worry about super-high tides.

6.       Home construction. Many homes on waterfront properties are of older construction. This can be good or bad, but just make sure the home you buy is in great shape and will be good to go for many years to come.

7.       Set back issues. Papers and documents included in such investment should be meticulously inspected to avoid future problems including titles and law suits against the government.

Talk to neighbors, find a good contractor, and canvas personally to avoid regrets in picking waterfront properties. For more questions or information, consult the nearest realtor in your area.

Tampa Bay Realty LLC
1408 N West Shore Blvd Suite 1000 Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 908-0706

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