Friday, December 13, 2013

Traffic Misdemeanors and Traffic Infractions—What’s the Difference?


Driving is an activity that you’d love to do everyday because it takes you to places. And not only that, you enjoy driving around your beautiful car. Driving your own car is convenient, you don’t have to wait at bus stops, share seats with strangers or fight for space on trains. However, it is important that you also follow road rules to avoid getting traffic misdemeanors or traffic infractions in Tampa, FL.

Do you know that your license may get suspended if you are slapped with a traffic infraction? And can you imagine what an inconvenience that is? Before you are allowed to drive, you will be tested on road rules and proper driving skills. But, the real test happens when you start driving independently. And the real test is not just your skills, its how you follow these rules.

What is the difference between traffic misdemeanors and traffic infractions? Which if more serious?
  • Traffic Misdemeanor
A traffic misdemeanor is the worse of the two. You can actually earn jail time for this. A traffic misdemeanor is a criminal offense. Usually, these are driving under the influence (drugs or alcohol, or both), a hit and run, reckless driving, or driving without insurance.

A traffic misdemeanor is given when you injured someone or even killed someone, which makes it a more severe criminal offense. However, traffic misdemeanors vary in different states but the seriousness of the charge doesn’t change. Often, you will need to rely on a lawyer to give you legal advice and court hearings will take place.
  • Traffic Infraction
Traffic infractions, also known as traffic citations are not criminal offenses, which means that they are less serious. An example of a traffic infraction is speeding. You are breaking the law, but it is still not a criminal offense unless you double that speed and it falls into reckless driving already.

Traffic infractions are usually minor offenses that doesn’t need the legal advice of a lawyer. Also, these issues don’t need to be heard in a traffic court.

Whichever one you will get, you should know that it is fine to challenge the charges slapped against you. However, you should always stay respectful to the officer that you’re talking to. You may want to explain your side but do not admit guilt. Speak respectfully as you may see this officer again in court, or else, he won’t be too forgiving.

Rick Silverman
311 S Brevard Ave. Tampa, Florida 33606

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