Saturday, December 21, 2013

Engine Rebuild: The Preliminaries


Engine rebuild is an auto repair procedure that most car owners will experience at one point in their lives. Most auto repair centers offer this service. Engine rebuild is very common and every mechanic in every auto repair shop in Tampa, FL is expected to be able to perform this service well.

Just like any other auto repair procedure, it is better if you leave engine rebuild to the professionals. Nonetheless, it will not hurt to have some knowledge about rebuilding an engine. Not only will this exercise your mind, it will also protect you from any mechanic who might try to scam you in the future.

Here are the steps included in the preliminary operations of an engine rebuild.

  • Inspect your engine visually before you start doing anything. It is important that you check the following:
  1. Are there fluid sweeping out of core plugs?
  2. Are there leaks in the water pump?
  3. Are the cracks in the rubber of the harmonic balancer?
  4. Are there obvious signs of overheating?
  5. Are there any signs of excessive gasket sealer?
  • Remember to double check the ID and casting numbers on your engine. This is a basic step that every mechanic knows by heart. This is very important so that you know that the engine undergoing engine rebuild is actually yours. ID and casting numbers serve pretty much like serial numbers. Engine swaps commonly happen in auto repair shops. Better to be safe.
  • Inspect the external components. Areas that need special attention include alternator belts, clutch assembly, and distributor.
  • After doing these three, you are now ready to engage on the engine rebuild.
  1. Remove the oil pan of the engine.
  2. Take out the valve heads. This can be a bit tricky because there are so many hoses and wirings. Label them so you know which is which. Never ever depend on memory alone.
  3. Safely remove the cylinder ridges. According to a mechanic this is the part of the cylinder that does not wear because it is found on top of the bore. But even if it does not wear, it should be removed so that the piston can be taken out without damage. 
  4. Remove the piston, rod assemblies, and crankshaft.
There are additional steps after these four. Consult with your mechanic to learn more!

Atlantic Automotive Inc
824 East Fletcher Avenue Tampa, FL 33612

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