Friday, December 6, 2013

Pregnancy Massage: The Best Christmas Gift


Moms try their best to prepare for the special season of sharing; it is but right to give them back the favor by giving them the best of what they deserve. Pregnancy massage can ease their pain and lessen the stresses they experience as they carry a blessing inside of them. Modern investigation and research has proved that pregnancy massage therapy can be an instrumental ingredient in women’s prenatal care.
  • Hormone regulation:  You would notice that moms change their mood easily especially during the first two trimesters. This is due to the changes in their hormones that affect their self-control and psychological awareness. Pregnancy massage provides relaxation and reduces stress as the norepinephrine hormone levels are increased and the cortisol hormones are reduced. As a result, fewer complications during childbirth and fewer instances of newborn complications such as low birth rate are avoided.
  • Reduces swelling- Due to the accumulation of water in the body, it is difficult for moms to move and enjoy the winter activities. Pregnancy massage has the ability to manipulate the circulation and decrease pressure on the major blood vessels, carried by the heavy uterus. Pregnancy massage helps stimulate soft tissues to reduce collection of fluids in the swollen joints and also benefit moms in removing toxins in the body.
  • Pain: moms experience a different kind of pain, which is called the sciatic pain. This is due to the uterus resting on the muscles of the pelvic floor and lower back. The pressure of the uterus spreads to the nearby nerves making it more difficult for the mother to move. Pregnancy massage reduces pain stimulants and relaxes the muscles.
  • Insulator: during the winter season, the blood vessels constrict, which leads to poor circulation. When the body experiences such, lesser body heat is saved which can lead to distress. With pregnancy massage therapy, moms are prepared for the upcoming season and other changes in the body done by weather.

More and more professionals appreciate the benefits of pregnancy massage; however, make sure to ask your physician before getting into the therapy. Let mom experience the love she deserves through pregnancy massage.

Massage Envy Lutz
17673 North Dale Mabry Highway, Lutz, FL 33548 

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