Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Basic Facts About Your Car’s Engine

imagesAn engine may look like a big jumble of metal device to a novice. But it is imperative to have an idea of how it works especially if you are planning to purchase a car --- be it brand new or second-hand.

In Tampa, FL, terms like “dual overhead cams” or “3.0 liter V-6″ are terms commonly used when talking about engines. They refer to the capacity of a car engine to generate power. These are not the only terms related to engines, though. More and more types of engines are starting to be released in the market. With them come different terms or descriptions pertaining to car engine.

Despite differences in terms used, the most common type of engine used in vehicles is the internal combustion type. This type of engine converts gasoline to mechanical energy in order to move the vehicle. The easiest way to create motion from gasoline is by simply burning it inside the car engine.

There are different types of internal combustion engines. In general, however, Diesel and Gas Turbine Engines dominate the types of internal combustion engines in Tampa, FL and the rest of the country so most mechanics specialize in these types. However, technologies used in making car engines are improving daily. Car manufacturers are out-doing each other in the car market in the quest to come with high-powered vehicles. Consequently, people are always looking to buy vehicles which have engines built with the latest technologies. It is, therefore, a huge advantage for any car mechanic in the US, even those in areas like Tampa, FL if they are updated with the latest innovations in the automotive industry in order to effectively and successfully perform an engine repair.

Aside from engine repair, another concern with regards to engines is maintenance. Regularly servicing your small engine will eventually save you money and time in the long run. Maintenance schedules are normally indicated in your car manual. But if it is not, then consult a professional mechanic. Regular maintenance includes tune-ups, change oil, AC repair, and other diagnostic services. These services are important to the upkeep of your engine so make sure you have them done on a regular basis.

Atlantic Automotive Inc.
824 East Fletcher Avenue, Tampa, FL 33612

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