Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Keeping Hair Extensions in Style


After the summer season, June is the best month to bring down those buns and pony tails and check out long, straight or curly hair. Waiting for your hair to grow is just the worst thing especially when your haircut that you’ve just had is really bad. Hair extensions are now a trend in the market. They’re stylish, they’re fabulous, and they’re totally affordable. However, most ladies forget that hair extensions can be hard to maintain. Improper maintenance can lead to a haystack attached to your hair, so make sure to give proper care for optimal beauty.

What you need to know

Hair extensions come in two types; first is the silicon type and the other is a collection of actual human hair. In terms of maintenance, silicon is far more difficult to maintain than human hair since there is no guarantee that silicon is a hypo-allergenic material. You can determine the difference between the two when they are burned or exposed to extreme heat of the sun. Silicon hair extensions would smell like burnt plastic or rotten vegetables while human hair has its distinct smell.

Hair extensions in Tampa, FL come in different styles and colors. It is up to you to keep them as natural when combined with your hair. Hair extensions can be difficult to groom; especially silicon types.

Maintenance and Care

When perming or straightening your hair extensions, it is best to keep the temperature at the coolest or simply keep a regular appointment from your favorite salon in Tampa, FL to do all the styling.

Salons in Tampa, FL would highly recommend human hair type of hair extensions since there are probabilities for the silicon type to irritate your skin. There are instances when the silicon type of hair extensions gets filthy due to the pollution around you, when it comes to contact with your skin, it may cause other skin diseases and other irritations; at the end of that, you end up having another haircut and having the worst hair day.

Remember that simple practices in grooming hair extensions will save you from having bad hair days and other complications. Get ready to go outside and flip your hair for the whole world to see.

Salon Monaco
2907 W Kennedy Blvd Tampa, FL 33609

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