Friday, June 14, 2013

How Do I make My Brakes Last Longer?

The choice as to whether you make your brakes last longer or you wear them out quickly is completely up to you. But since safety is your primary consideration as a driver, you surely would want to choose the first option.

Listed below are three sure ways to lengthen the lives of your brakes.

1)      Avoid stepping on the brakes at high speeds (except when it’s an emergency, of course).

Stops from high speeds are the mortal enemies of brakes as they are considered to be the number one cause of brake wear. Brakes sacrifice their lives by turning energy into heat. A little less speed means a lot less brake material that will be transformed into heat. So the next time you are on the road, try slowing down a bit before stepping on the brake pedal.

2)      Lose unnecessary weight.

The second tip to lengthen the lives of your brakes is to stop carrying unnecessary things in your car. Not only do these things consume space and make your car cramped, they also put on additional weight. This added weight can spell a huge difference not only in brake performance, but also on tire wear and gas consumption.

3)      Flush brake fluid regularly.

Like other fluids in your vehicle, your brake fluid needs to be regularly changed. In auto repair terms, this is referred to as bleeding and flushing. Why do you need to flush? Imagine this: brake fluid easily attracts water. Water becomes moisture. In an emergency stop or after repeated brake applications, this moisture boils and severely reduces braking effectiveness. Moisture also promotes internal corrosion, which ruins critical rubber seals. If you do not flush your brake fluid on the designated schedule, your vehicle will be rotting from the inside before you know it.

Some vehicle manufacturers recommend renewing brake fluid every couple of years. This auto repair service is necessarily done on older vehicle models as well as those that are bought second hand. Flushing the brake fluid regularly makes the brakes and other internal components of your vehicle last longer and work better.

These are three ways of making your brakes last longer; three ways which you can easily do as a responsible car owner. For more questions about brakes, brake maintenance, and brake repair, consult with your mechanic today.

Atlantic Automotive Inc.
824 East Fletcher Avenue Tampa, FL 33612

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