Thursday, September 4, 2014

Swedish Massage: More than a Luxury

Swedish massage is a common type of body massage used in spas. It is a combination of various hands-on techniques including gliding, kneading and cross-fiber friction to break up muscle knots, which are called adhesions. Massage is generally assumed to be a lavish comfort that only the wealthy can afford. This idea has been changing throughout the course of history. Presently, Swedish massage is used not only to relax the body, but to increase the overall health of the person receiving it.

The movements and firm pressure involved in Swedish massage affect all the systems in the body including soft tissues such as muscles and ligaments and also nerves and even glands. You aren’t just getting a great muscle rub when undergoing body massage. The functioning of the lymph system is encouraged as the muscles are stimulated and relaxed. Pressure is applied to your muscles in movements that are in tune with the natural flow of blood back to your heart.

 Massage may also help in injury prevention for active people. Body massage help the individual to be conscious of how their body functions and what restrictions it may have. It is also very important to keep the body cleansed of impurities, thus Swedish massage acts as a mechanical cleanser, by stimulating the lymph circulation and quickening waste and toxic elimination. Another would be relief of tension and stress. The actual event that a person participates in can push their stress level to the max which can actually lessen performance at work and at home. This is where body massage comes in as a necessary tool.

If you are suffering from muscular strain, Swedish massage can help flush out lactic acid and uric acid, which are the common causes of muscle strains. This shortens recovery time and helps you feel better faster. Regular body massage helps increase flexibility, enhances tissue elasticity and reduces pain.

Many individuals benefit from a greater range of joint motion and movement due to Swedish massage.
Indeed, it is a wonderful way to pamper yourself, but it is also an important and effective type of therapy for many people who rely on body massage to support good health and manage a variety of health conditions.

Massage Envy Clearwater
2516-B N. McMullen Booth Rd. MM#
20639 Clearwater, FL 33761
(727) 799-3689

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