Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Partial Highlights: A Way to Show Off

Adding color to your hair will surely make a difference, but making it look fun and sexy at the same time is difficult. Partial highlights work by having colors or highlights only on the outer parts of the hair, wherein the full highlights cover almost all including the underneath layers. More and more women experiment on their looks and partial highlights is one of the successes in this industry.

Here are some tips on pulling off those partial highlights:

 · Frame your face. Partial highlights are great in making your face look smaller or slimmer in a way to make it look sexy. Place the brightest and widest highlights around the frame of the face to make you look younger and energized. Partial highlights should be darker and should be placed sparingly at the roots; make sure to put the lighter colors at the tips.

 · Always think of depth and dimension. Highlights overload will make you look unsophisticated and flat looking. One way to maintain the natural and elegant look is to have partial highlights that are near to your natural hair color. A dark base requires dark partial highlights. But when you have a cool base, make sure to keep sandy or beige on the list.

· Stick to one shade. Adding too much coloring will make your hair look unnatural and stiff. The rule of having a maximum of three shades on your hair still stands. The ultimate rule is to keep it subtle for your partial highlights to compliment everything you wear.

Just remember that partial highlights vary in season. Adjusting to the season will give you a fresh look all year round. In summer, partial highlights should be brighter and paler to bring out the fun and outgoing characteristics as we are more exposed to sunlight. However, darker shades should be chosen when winter season comes since we are exposed to a bluer light. This will make you look warmer and more comfortable for the season.

It is never wrong to make yourself feel pretty with changes bring out the best features of your face and body with the right decisions before having partial highlights. Just make sure that your partial highlights will last long and beautiful by investing in good products. Moisturizing and other moisturizing salon treatments will help you keep highlights glowing.

Monaco Boutique and Salon
143 South Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, FL 33609

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