Wednesday, October 14, 2015


When you decide on having or hiring a tree removal services, you should also assess if you want a stump removal done. The stump is the remaining portion of a tree once a tree has be cut down. It still contains the roots of the tree. Tree stumps are also common images in science books because it contains the rings defining the age of the tree. In other countries, stump removal is helpful in the energy industry. Stump removal is done to have a wood supply for biomass power stations. If you are having a hard time deciding if you are going to avail a stump removal on top of your tree removal services, here are some factors that you might consider.

1. Aesthetically, stumps are not appealing. They are unlikely things in your backyard. It really ruins your landscaping. Of course, as home owners, we all want a beautiful yard. If you don’t avail stump removal services, the beauty of your garden, or your flowers, or your green grasses will surely be overpowered by the unsightly image of a tree stump.

2. After availing tree removal services, it is also highly recommended that you have the stump removed because stumps are dangerous. Especially if you have children in your home, they might trip over the stump when playing in your yard. Your neighbours can also trip over stumps near the boundaries of your home: which is a great liability. Gardening equipment like loan mowers may also get broken if a stump is hit. Generally, it is still cheaper to avail stump removal services than pay for a hospital bill for your kid or neighbour and to have a repair on your loan mower.

3. Stumps usually regenerate into new trees. After having tree removal services, a deciduous tree may have sprouts growing around the stump. Sprouts may come out from the roots of the stump. Of course, having small plants growing around the stump is unsightly and would, again, ruin the aesthetic value of your yard. It may also cost you much maintaining a stump with sprouts than having a stump removal service.

4. Ultimately, stumps are highly suggested to be removed because they attract insects. Stumps can be a good place for insects to cultivate. Especially stumps that are rendered as dead and eventually goes rotting, insects may find this a very good condition for settlement. Insects like termites, beetles, and ants may infest the rotting stump. Or worse, if after tree removal services stump removal is not done, wood-boring pest may settle there. These would-boring pests may migrate to your home and do the infestation in your wood materials.

Beaver’s Tree Service
8841 Bliss Rd Gibsonton, FL 33534
(813) 918-8916

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