Saturday, May 18, 2013

Four Signs You Badly Need a Transmission Flush

A transmission flush is an auto repair service done to get rid of dirty transmission fluid. Professionals normally perform this service every two years or once the car hits its 30,000 mileage. However, there are some instances when you need to see your mechanic for a transmission flush service even if your car has not reached 30,000 miles. Listed below are four of the reasons why this should be done.

  1. Strange noises. A dirty transmission fluid causes transmission grinding --- the strange noise that you are probably hearing. Once you experience grinding and heard noises, check your transmission fluid. Its color should be bright red. Any other colors, especially brown and black, is not acceptable. It means that the fluid is already full of grime and sludge. It is high time you get a transmission flush.
  2. Problems with gears. A transmission with lots of dirt causes delay in response time which is why you experience a delay when shifting from one gear to another. Dirty transmission fluid also causes slipping gears as contaminants interfere with its flow. An interference with the flow of transmission fluid causes lack of hydraulic power that is needed to maintain enough pressure in order to stay in the appropriate gear. Dirt needs to be flushed out of the transmission to solve this problem, and this can only be done via a transmission flush.
  3. Vehicle surges. When your transmission is polluted with a lot of dirt and contaminants, your vehicle becomes “jumpy”. These surges are caused by your car's dirty transmission because it does not allow for adequate transmission fluid to flow.
  4. Movement delay. Another sign that your vehicle may have contaminated transmission fluid is when the vehicle stalls for one or two seconds before moving after having been put in gear. This may be caused by larger transmission problems. But if your mechanic sees nothing wrong with your transmission, a transmission flush may help.

Be observant of these four signs to prevent larger transmission problems. Visit your mechanic as soon as you experience any of these four signs. Remember, a transmission flush is way cheaper than a transmission rebuild.

Calvin's  Transmissions
6204 North Nebraska Avenue, Tampa, FL 33604, USA

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