Thursday, September 10, 2015


Having your kid’s haircuts can be one of the challenging parts of parenting. Kids naturally have short attention span that’s why sitting on a barber’s chair can be a lot of play for children. If you are lucky enough, you can have your kid’s haircuts smoothly. Sometimes, kids would scream, squirm, or even cry when they are having their haircut.  Here are some tips on how you can keep the focus of your kid and have successful kid’s haircuts.

1. Bribe them! This may sound wrong, but you can promise to give them something after your kid’s haircuts. Something that would totally work is to give them something that they cannot “live” without—like candies, chocolates, or many other things. Just be sure that you are going to make the trade right—you will give them their reward after behaving and completing their hair cut!

2. Bring their friends. Your kids may have special attachments to their toys or items—like for teddy bears or blankets. It is for sure that they have a special item that would totally comfort them or make them busy while sitting on the chair. You should bring them! These items will surely distract them through the course of your kid’s haircuts.

3. Pick the right salon. There can be many salons that might offer you best kid’s hair cut services but there are only few that really specializes on kid’s haircuts. Picking the professionals to do your kid’s haircuts can be an easier solution to make your kid stay on the chair. Professionals are well-trained in handling kids that they can do many things to keep your kid behave and stay while the hair cut is being done. Having a regular haircutter is also good because your kid will be more at eased with familiar faces. Professional salons may also provide your kid some fun items or toys so that you will not be hassled to bring them in.

4. Ultimately, bring something that can play music or videos. In this so technologically advanced world, kids can be very fond of using iPads or iPods. It might be easier to comfort them with their favourite cartoons or music. With these gadgets, they can also play their favourite video games which may help distract them until your kid’s hair cuts are done.

Hair Obsessions
5713 Richey Dr Port Richey, Fl 34668

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