Wednesday, September 30, 2015


You rely on your hard-working diesel transmission to get you where you need to go, but are you caring for it appropriately? Many people don't realize that transmission fluid changes are just as important as regular engine oil changes. Nearly nine out of ten transmission failures can be attributed to overheated or contaminated transmission fluid. It is best for you to consult a transmission builder in such situation. Diesel transmission repair companies offer a wide array of transmission, driveline, and clutch services to ensure that your vehicle is well cared for. They can also perform routine transmission fluid services as a preventative measure to protect clients’ trusted diesel-powered vehicle from experiencing transmission failure.

Common Problems

The smell of burnt fluid indicates high levels of clutch wear and friction leading to high heat buildup. Evidence of metallic dust in the bottom of the pan usually means excess gear or bearing wear. These indicators do not necessarily mean your transmission will fail. By keeping the fluid clean and using a transmission additive you can push more life out of a dying transmission. Transmission builders go through all diesel transmission repairs to check and touch, literally every part of the transmission–from front to rear and every internal component–transmission builders leave no stone unturned, so-to-speak. There are several key areas in the transmission that require attention during a proper overhaul, that transmission builders or local shops may not have the equipment to properly address or just may not check at all.

Saving on Transmission Repair

There are many types of diesel transmission repairs that almost any decent mechanic or repair shop can perform for you. If you only need to change the transmission fluid or transmission fluid filter in your diesel vehicle, these are tasks that you can easily do on your own and save yourself from expensive diesel transmission repairs.

Choosing a Transmission Builder

Choosing a transmission builder service center that specializes in diesel vehicles or diesel transmissions will always result in a better quality diesel transmission repair than choosing a service center that does not. Diesel engines and gasoline engines are considerably different in design and the transmissions used in conjunction with these engines are different as well.

Calvin's Transmissions
6204 North Nebraska Avenue Tampa, FL 33604
(813) 231-2171

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