Thursday, March 20, 2014

Transmission Rebuild Schedule

An important element of the transmission is diagnostics, to determine the root cause of the problem in order for you and your transmission mechanic to make an informed choice about proceeding with a transmission rebuild.  There are some signs and symptoms that give you an idea of when your transmission should be rebuilt or repaired. Examples would be fine metallic particles in the bottom of the oil pan, delay shifting out of park, when transmission jerks or slips between shifts etc.

When a burnt smelling transmission fluid and fine metallic particles in the bottom of the oil pan is seen, there is not much more you can do than change the fluid and hope it still works. Burnt fluid means high levels of clutch wear and friction leading to high heat buildup; metallic dust in the bottom of the oil pan indicates excess gear or bearing wear. These two are indicators that your transmission will only survive for about a week or two. Keeping the fluid clean will enhance the viscosity to reduce friction; however, you will still need a transmission rebuild for the next coming weeks. When your transmission delays in shifting out or park, make sure to note how long it takes to engage. You will feel the slight clunk after you try to engage into gear. Don’t worry because there is life left, but make sure to have a transmission rebuild as soon as it takes 2 seconds or more to engage. Once your transmission doesn’t shift into higher gears or does so reluctantly and if the transmission jerks or slips between shifts, better take a look first, sometimes everything is just because some small and cheap parts that could be replaced.

To avoid transmission rebuilds, tuning your engine is a huge step to perfection. This often overlooked by owners; since throttle position regulates the vacuum to the modulator, it stands to reason the engine must be producing the correct power for the throttle position chosen to make a smooth curve. Think clean and simple’ filters and vacuum of output and leaks are just some of the simple corrections.

Once your transmission rebuild is complete, your car’s transmission will be as good as or better than new.

Atlantic Automotive Inc.
824 E. Fletcher Ave Tampa, FL 33612
(813) 936-1510

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