Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Are Your Car Brakes in Good Condition?

Have you ever had to pay for expensive car repair? If you have, then you probably learned your lesson already. If you haven’t, then it’s time to pay attention to your car to avoid paying the expensive repair services.

One of the common problems with cars is the brakes. Not only is it expensive to replace or repair it, it is very dangerous to you and your passenger. It is very important to keep it in top condition. But, how do you do that? With a little knowledge and information, you can spare yourself from the expensive car repair. So, here it goes:

·         Keep the brake fluid reservoir lid sealed properly at all times. If it is already cracked, the dirt and moisture will easily enter the reservoir and it will immediately damage the rubber seals and moving parts.

·         Only use brake fluids with high quality and rating.

·         Replace the brake fluid every two years or so. This should extend the life of the rubber seals and moving parts.

·         Every 6,000 miles, check the calipers, disc pads and front discs. Check if the pistons are sticky and wearing out. Also, check if the fluid is leaking and if the calipers are floating.

·         Is the brake movement smooth and easy? If not, you’re the wheel bearings of the brakes should be adjusted.

·         Check the master cylinder cover if there is fluid leaking. If there is, an overhaul will be needed.

·         You can check if there’s a leak in the master cylinder or inner pistons rubber seals by simply applying on the foot brake for 60 seconds.

·         A leak will make the brakes lose resistance, which means that it will lose its grip as well.

·         Are the brakes pulsating when you hit it? Skimming of the front discs will be needed and it should be done without removing the discs.

All of these instructions may sound very technical. Well, it is. It just goes to show that if you don’t really know that much about cars, it is better to go to an auto repair shop and get your car checked. Getting your car serviced regularly should prevent any problems from getting worse and will prevent you to be in emergency situations. Nonetheless, knowing what is needed to be done and how to check for problems should do you good.

Only go to a car repair company that is reputable or is a trusted name in your locale. Make sure they only employ professional car repair professionals to service the cars.

Atlantic Automotive Inc.
824 E. Fletcher Ave Tampa, FL 33612
(813) 936-1510

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