Saturday, October 12, 2013

Safety Measures for Prenatal Massage

Prenatal Massage

Prenatal massage is a safe procedure done before and after pregnancy; this is the best way to keep mother’s feeling relaxed and comfortable especially during the labor process. A prenatal massage typically lasts an hour and is done in a special massage table that supports the mother’s belly as she is laid to her side.

How can prenatal massage help in the labor process?

When a mother is stressed out during pregnancy, there is a tendency for her to be in so much pain and mood changes are not that good as a result. Prenatal massage has the ability to decrease the levels of cortisol (an indicator of stress) and improves sleep in preparation for the sleepless nights after delivery.

The labor process is the hardest and most painful part of pregnancy. This is due to the increasing intensity of contractions so mothers get too anxious about the changes happening so quickly. Prenatal massage helps in relaxing the muscles that adds to the pain felt by the mother and releasing the ‘happy hormones” serotonin and dopamine; thus leaving her more comfortable and the pain bearable.

What are the safety precautions in prenatal massage?

Massage therapy uses certain pressure points to reduce stress nodes in the body; however, prenatal massage is far delicate than that of the ordinary massage therapy. Start with the proper positioning. It is recommended to position a client on her left side to promote good blood flow for both the fetus and the mother; when you lay the mother on her back, it decreases blood flow and can make her blood pressure drop at a very dangerous rate. Prenatal massage is advised to have a conservative approach or may even avoid the procedure when at risk. Safety precautions such as clearances must be done before the massage especially when the mother is experiencing nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, is at a high risk of miscarriage, or other conditions such as abruption placenta (placenta slightly detaches from the wall of the uterus). Only well-trained massage therapists are allowed to do prenatal massage and should have at least a year of experience on the field to avoid mistakes.

Massage Envy Lakeland
3615 South Florida Ave. Unit 56, Lakeland, FL 33803

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