Thursday, November 28, 2013

Breeze through Winter with Keratin Hair Treatment


They say that the more your hair is exposed to chemicals, the more it gets damaged, the older you look, and the more difficult it is to repair. Keratin hair treatment would like to differ from this gossip that hair treatment chemicals are bad for your crowning glory. Keratin is composed of three major proteins and minerals that goes deep into your hair follicles and coats to leave your hair protected from external factors such as extreme weather and pollution. Be winter ready and know the facts for the season.
  • Fact #1: Treatments with formaldehyde is toxic. This chemical causes immediate, short-term irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. The longer you are exposed to this chemical, the more dangerous it becomes. Hair treatments are forced to use these chemicals since it prolongs and enhances the effect of the treatment. However, keratin hair treatment is known for its natural ingredients that are least harmful to both human and the environment.
  • Fact#2: The weather affects hair growth. It is true that the winter season can cause several diseases including hair problems, static control is what you should watch out for because of the use of natural fabric. Keratin hair treatment saves you from the static effect. The coating leaves the hair slippery and prevents tangles too. Another is the moisture that leaves the hair during the winter as you are exposed from extreme cold, to damp, to heated areas; but whatever moisture problem it is, keratin hair treatment is sure to leave you worry-free.
  • Fact# 3: Blow dryers are your best friend. As much as blow dry is known to be the least helpful tool during the summer, it is the hair’s best friend in the winter. Leaving your hair damp as you leave your home is dangerous because when your hair absorbs moisture and that moisture freezes, that is when the hair strands expand and lead to more damage. If you are afraid to abuse blow drying, keratin hair treatment will ensure that your hair is still protected despite the extreme heat and cold.
Know that not all keratin hair treatments are safe and effective. Hair professionals in Tampa are willing to give you a look at their greatest secrets to beautiful hair. Just as long as you’re in the hands of professionals, you’ll know that this December will indeed be a happy and joyful Christmas.

Monaco Boutique and Salon
2907 West Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33609

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